
February '22 Newsletter

Now Enrolling:  Summer LEAP in Santa Fe and Albuquerque!

Help your child make a LEAP in Literacy, Empowerment, Advocacy, and Principles this summer!  Summer LEAP is an intensive, individualized skill-building program targeting skills in a small group setting. Utilizing a therapeutic curriculum appropriate for students with diagnosed learning differences such as dyslexia, as well as those who want to make gains in these skills over the summer, Summer LEAP empowers students to learn more about how they learn best and explicitly teaches students how to advocate for their needs in the classroom and with their peers. 

Programs in Albuquerque and Santa Fe are filling fast! Visit our website to enroll you child today!

Now Enrolling: Dyslexia Specialist Summer Cohort!

May Center for Learning offers a national certification program in Structured Literacy Intervention using the SEE program.  May Center offers this national certification program through our partnership with Shelton School of Dallas.  Participants are eligible to take the Academic Language Teaching Association exam to become a Certified Academic Language Practitioner (CALP).  

Students in Gabriella and Scott's classes have been participating in Socratic seminars. Socratic seminars provide students with the opportunity to practice critical thinking skills. They begin with a teacher offering an open-ended question related to topics of study. From there, the teacher takes a back seat to the conversation and allows students to listen to comments of others and utilize critical thinking skills to thoughtfully respond to thoughts of others. When speaking to students about the benefits of this practice, they see the value of listening to others opinions as a way to help develop their own opinions.  Students also have the opportunity to choose a skill in which they would like to grow towards during these seminars. Skills range from communication and critical thinking to creative solutions and negotiating abilities.

Meet Mr. Bret!

Students may know Mr. Bret as our resident trivia guru, master of granny tag, the go-to person for seasonal jokes and the keeper of our resident trout, but our community knows that Bret has a further reaching impact on our school community beyond providing fun activities and a good laugh.

Bret’s passion for working with students coupled with his years of experience in working with students with learning differences makes him the ideal person to support students and families as they navigate the successes and challenges that children face on a daily basis.  Bret can often be found meeting one on one with students to help guide social situations and meeting with families to discuss support services, public school service plans and supporting as students transition to new schools.   

Julia Abbiss