May Families Committee

May Families Committee: Building a Stronger Community Together

Calling all May School families: Join our committee!

Are you passionate about fostering connections and building a vibrant and collaborative community at May Center? Then we invite you to join the May Families Committee!

Our mission:

To foster a vibrant, inclusive, and collaborative community at May Center by facilitating connections, supporting families, and fostering a commitment to May Center’s future.

What we're about:

  • Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all families.

  • Strengthening connections among parents, grandparents, and guardians.

  • Organizing events and activities that foster collaboration and fun.

  • Providing opportunities for families to support the school in and outside the classroom.

Upcoming events:

Coffee Chats feat. Ms. Topa | Wednesday, January 8 from 8:30–9:30 am

Monthly Meeting | Wednesday, January 15 from 8:30–9:30 am


Questions or feedback?
Contact Megan Rosker, Director of Outreach, at