May Families Committee: Building a Stronger Community Together
Calling all May School families: Join our committee!
Are you passionate about fostering connections and building a vibrant and collaborative community at May Center? Then we invite you to join the May Families Committee!
Our mission:
To foster a vibrant, inclusive, and collaborative community at May Center by facilitating connections, supporting families, and fostering a commitment to May Center’s future.
What we're about:
Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all families.
Strengthening connections among parents, grandparents, and guardians.
Organizing events and activities that foster collaboration and fun.
Providing opportunities for families to support the school in and outside the classroom.
Upcoming events:
Coffee Chats feat. Ms. Topa | Wednesday, January 8 from 8:30–9:30 am
Monthly Meeting | Wednesday, January 15 from 8:30–9:30 am
Questions or feedback?
Contact Megan Rosker, Director of Outreach, at