
May Center News

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An Important Announcement about the future of May Center for Learning

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Dear May Center Community,

Thank you to all who joined us last evening at our super reception, and thank you to many of you who have already pledged your support our Calling All Superheroes 24-hour fundraising campaign on May 7th. At last night's event, it was my privilege to share the news that in August of 2019, all of May Center's operations will come together at one location: 1200 Old Pecos Trail, the current home of our elementary school. This move will allow us to house our early childhood through 8th grade school community together at one location, in a space with larger classrooms, a much larger art space, a multi-purpose space for school assemblies, music classes, and teacher training workshops, and ample outdoor space for our students to learn and play in. Our Evaluation Center, Tutoring Programs, and Teacher Training Institute will be housed at this same location as well. 

With this move to one campus, we have an opportunity to restructure our school administration. I'm thrilled to announce that beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, Stephanie Binkley will be stepping into the role of May School Director. Currently, our Elementary School Director, Stephanie has been with May Center for the last six years, and I have known Stephanie as a colleague and friend for thirteen years. Stephanie is a skilled and passionate educator, a consistent, reflective leader, and a kind person. She holds a BA in Special Education and a Masters in Human Relations with an emphasis in counseling from the University of Oklahoma. Stephanie is a model of May Center's values and mission. I am honored that she will be leading May School into our next chapter.

The May School leadership team will also include Bret Luboyeski, our current Intermediate School Director, who will work closely with Stephanie in administration and student support, and Amy Stanton, who has been with May Center since our beginnings. Amy will step into the full time role of Director of Curriculum and Instruction.

I am so excited to move forward into the next phase of May School's development. The strength of this May School leadership team will allow me, as Executive Director, to oversee the big picture of all that May Center offers the New Mexico educational community—May Evaluation Center, May Center Tutoring Programs, Summer LEAP, May Center Community Programs, our collaborative work with Santa Fe Public Schools, our advocacy work, our thriving May Center Teacher Training Institute, and the continued research and development of the May School model.

We are grateful to St. John's Methodist Church for their gracious welcome of May Center to their campus and for their support of May Center's mission. Thank you to May Center's Board of Trustees, who work tirelessly to support our vision to impact every student with learning differences in New Mexico.  

Thank you for your support. Together, we are improving educational and well-being outcomes in New Mexico, one child at a time.


Rebecca Anderson