
May Center News

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Summer Teacher Trainings

May Center Teaching Institute kept busy this summer helping educators experience more success with all learners.  Our Structuring Your Classroom for Executive Functioning Skills workshop attracted 24 teachers from across New Mexico.  In addition, we have six new MSL certification candidates who have completed the initial 54 hour coursework this summer and who will be doing their practicums this school year.  Our MSL certification program, one of the few in the state, allows educators to become nationally Certified Academic Language Practitioners, the gold standard for language instruction for students with learning differences like dyslexia.  Amy Miller also provided Executive Functioning Skills workshops at the New Mexico Public Education Department’s annual RDA conference in Albuquerque, attended by over 600 educators from around the state. We also provided on site training to several schools, including Menaul School of Albuquerque, Desert Academy, and The Master’s Program.


Rebecca Anderson