
May Center News

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Upcoming Teacher Trainings

Structuring Your Classroom for Executive Functioning Skills:  June 21 and 22, 9-3 pm.
This two day course will define executive functioning skills and why they are so important for success in school and in life, give an in-depth look at the importance of visualization and self-talk in the development of EF skills, and will provide practical strategies for all classroom teachers to explicitly structure their classrooms to promote EF skills.  Click here for the registration form.

Multisensory Language Teacher Training:  June 25-30, 9-5 pm daily
Students with language-based learning differences such as dyslexia process language differently, and they need to learn to read and spell in a different way. Through our affiliation with Shelton School of Dallas, May Center trains teachers to deliver the Sequential English Education program. This program is an Orton-Gillingham approach certified by the International Multi-Sensory Language Education Committee (IMSLEC) and the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) and can culminate with teachers taking the ALTA national certification exam.

Course requirements include the initial 54 hour class, a series of follow up workshops, a practicum of at least 9 months and 5 observations.  Click here for the registration form.

Rebecca Anderson